Amid rising concern about privacy on WhatsApp and allegations of private message leakage by user’s WhatsApp has issued a clarification about its latest privacy policy update and issued a list of data that it does not reads share with Facebook.

WhatsApp has said the change in its recently revised policy “does not affect privacy of messages with friends or family”. “Instead, this update includes changes related to messaging a business on WhatsApp”.

Whats App has said that its latest policy update “does not affect privacy of messages with friends or family”. “Instead this update is changes policy related to messaging a business on Whats App”.

WhatsApp has also shared a list of information “NOT shared with Facebook”.

  • WhatsApp cannot see your private messages or hear your calls and neither can Facebook.
  • WhatsApp does not keep logs of who everyone is messaging or calling.
  • WhatsApp and Facebook cannot see your shared location.
  • WhatsApp does not share your contacts with Facebook.
  • WhatsApp groups will remain private.
  • You have the option to set your messages to disappear.
  • You can download your data.

Whatsapp has recently revised its privacy policy stating that it will be sharing data with its parent company Facebook and made it mandatory to accept the new policy before new it takes effect on February 8th in order to continue to use WhatsApp account.

Fear of privacy breach is prompting Whatsapp users to switch to alternative messaging apps like Signal or Telegram which either collects no data or collects just basic information.