Some people may update great thoughts and quotes on Facebook as status, now Facebook featuring to updates your Mood of almost everything. Learn everything about it.

What’s on your Mind, doesn’t drag the people’s mood to express actual status on Facebook, so Facebook is trying to come closer to your life, and its kind of first in social networking that someone asked to update what are you doing how you’re feeling and all. Let’s get to know about new Facebook status.

Share how you’re Feeling

Now Facebook’s new status text box have feature of adding your mood, like what you feels, it have many pre defined emotions and feeling like happy, sad, anger, awesome, sexy, love tired, fresh with amazing big smiley with it.

To Update the Feeling along with your Status, click on Jicon on the bottom of text bar, and Select Feeling, it will show you list of Feelings and emotion, use any of them as per your mood, even you can add your own.

Share what you are watching

Amazing isn’t it? You can use this option to show your friends and follower what you are watching, TV/Movie/Match etc, to do this as your update, you can select, Jand choose Watching and select the stuff you are watching and even add you own.

Share what you are reading

Many of you must have reading habits and many of you must wanted to share the people in your life what are you reading these day or right then, this is for you. Select the Jsign, choose Reading option and Choose from the list of your favorite books, novel and bibliography.

Share whom are you Listening to

If you are one of millions Music lovers, this is what you was looking for, sharing what you are listening, what are you singing. Share your favorite Music album, artist or song while you’re listening to them. Select Listening to and Choose or type the Music you are enjoying.

Share your Coffee sip or whatever you drinking

I would love to share my coffee with my friends circle or even invite them in my favorite café as well. You can do it as well, share what you are drinking, select drinking and choose what you are drinking choose from Coffee, milk, beer, etc.

Share what you’re eating

If you’re one of food lovers, and want to share it with your Facebook cure, just select Eating and choose from the delicious fool you are eating and done.

Bottom line

Facebook helps you to connect shad share with the people in your life, share whatever you’re doing, and make all your friend closer than ever.