Backing up social Media: Intelligent Computing
Spending lots of time on social network not only for personal and professional communication but also lots of your photo, videos and social data are saved on it. Here is the way to backup all your online memories with few clicks.

Greet to my readers, online communication through facebook, twitter, LinkedIN is really awesome ways to live in contact and sharing the best moments by lots of videos and photos is becoming common, but beside this, one can’t deny the little chances of insecurities from the hackers who sometime block our ways or by any Mishap lost access to those online account, this not only block your way to access but also there will be chance to lose all those online data.

In this post I’m going to tell you how you can preserve those data to save it on your personal media.

Facebook Backup Tool

Backup your facebook: Intelligent Computing

If you have account on Facebook, then facebook allow you to download and take the backup of all your profile at once. For this you have to do it like this.
Go to

Account Settings   >>  Account   >>  Download your information
This option include the Downloading all your profile information like Post, links, status, profile information, friend list, notes, events message maps. But you can’t customize the Download, you have to download entire data at once.

After this, click on the Download information to begin download. This will download the ZIP file, and if you think after that you can delete your account and restore to another one, than Important to know, Facebook doesn’t allow this, it only give you facility to backup your data that too after proper security check and a confirmation mail is sent to your associated Mail account. 

Another option if you are comfortable with is Ad-on for Firefox, if you are Fire Fox user you can opt for Ad-on like ArchiveFacebook, Although it’s still not verified by Fire Fox but you can use to backing up your entire data at one click.

Save your Tweets

Twitter Backup: Intelligent Computing

Like Facebook, Twitter doesn’t have any option for backing up you data on Twitter account. Thought many third party website and tools let you do this. Here are 3 of those tools

This site allow you to save all your Tweets, contact, list of followers, photos etc. once you need to sign up and Authorize your Twitter account it can backup your Twitter account on daily bases 

For a more advanced search among your tweets this is a good option, it not only takes back up of all your daily tweets but helps you to sort images, blogs, emails etc.


Well when it comes to our professional or work-related data we are a bit nervous about their security. Hence, for our LinkedIn account we got an option to export your contacts. For this three simple steps are to be followed.

Step 1:- log in to your account and click on contacts.

Step 2:- click on “my connections” tab. You will find ‘export connections ‘option there.

Step 3:- click the link an save file of your all contacts in a format of your choice ( .CSV, .VCF etc.)

Save the file and you have all your contacts backed up on your PC


Well just like LinkedIn we can back up all our Gmail account contacts all you have to do is

Step 1:- log in to your account and click on Gmail

Step 2:- click on contacts and a list of all your contacts will be displayed

Step 3:- click on more

Step 4:- select export contacts

Step 5:- save file of your all contacts in a format of your choice


Backing up all your social networking data one by one from the above sites is a cool option but what if I say that you can back up all your social networking data at once (sounds cool).

Well there are some tools or sites which provide this option, one of them is

It allows you to back-up all your Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, word press, blogger. Gmail. Picasa, Flickr, Google docs. Its free account provides a 2 GB storage space per social media account backed up on weekly basis.

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