Taking continuous shot : Intelligent computing

Best view will not wait for you to shot. Having Apple iOS on your hand and you are just standing to capture the moment and you can take that shot just because you could not maintain a good timing for sort timing and saying oops will no more be there. Today you are going to know about how one can capture instantly continuous images by your high speed camera and never miss the moment. Let’s see what inside.

All you have to do is just to downloadthe simple Apps Fast camera.

Fast Camera from iTunes apple store

This application when launched and started the function, it captures all the video frames as images and i won’t required any extra features inbuilt in camera.

·         When you’ll launch the application, it will start taking continues photo and you will start hearing camera shutter sound until you press the stop button on the screen.

·         You can see the photos on the left side of the lower part of screen
·         When you have stopped, you can again view and count the pictures and when you want keep it else you can simply delete them by filtering what you want.
·         When you will save the selected photos, rest photo will automatically be deleted.
·         This app is also available on the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 also.
·         Fast camera can take up-to 780-800 photos per minute on front of iPhone 4S and 720 Photo on iPad 2.
·         In the setting of the Fast camera, you will be able to configure the resolution of camera, delay time and quality of the Images with white balance.
·         This timing will start as the application is launched and after the even has been shot, you need to press [Stop] button on the screen.

and here is your Awesome shot 
Multiple shot Apps : Intelligent Computing